current mood: dissatisfied

The following is a post from stef's myspace blog:

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

three hours and four sucky bands later...

Current mood: dissatisfied

I lied. I have been to Milwaukee before. I went to a Brewers game over the summer...completely out of character for Stephanie. Rock show? Totally Stephanie! Yet it's a toss up which event was more fun. Three hours of torture before The All American Rejects played...standing room only...boring bands...then they finally played but we were kind of off to the side up in the balcony so the sound sucked. But it was them , and I love them. Totally worth it to see Tyson Ritter running past me up in the balcony like five feet away from me all him. Probably the most beautiful man I have seen in person...hmm...but no one can beat Mystery Man from college...
